You have chosen a tandem flight with X-dream Fly.
We thank you for your trust.

We are looking forward for an unforgettable flight experience. 

Airfields around FLIMS | SWISS

Naraus to Flims

800m difference in altitude, flight time 10-25 minutes, total time about 1,5 hours

Price CHF 160,00 | € 150,00

We launch at the take off Naraus and fly over the large pastures of the Foppa Alp down to Flims. After a sightseeing flight above the village you gently land next to the bottom station of the cable car. The flight is very suitable for families and children. In good weather and flying conditions we can find thermals just in front of our take off. If it´s possible to gain height we can do a small panoramic flight up to the deep blue Lake Cauma.

GRAP Sogn Gion to Flims or Laax

1.100m elevation, 15-35 minutes flight time, total time about 2 hours

Price CHF 180,00 | € 170,00

With a take off in the direction of Nagens we skim the best thermal zones in the flight area. In this thermals not rarely joins us the golden eagle. These are the highest (pilots) feelings, when the king of the skies offers his honour! We land on request in Murschetg or Flims. This flight is recommended especially during the winter months. The region South and East of the GRAP Sogn Gion is one of the first thermal areas in the alpine region and already allows first thermal flights in january.
The panorama ranges often from the Chur Rhein valley to the Bündner Oberland with view of the Tödi, with over 3.600m the highest peak of the region.

Cassons Ridge to Flims

1.600m difference in altitude, flight time 25-45 minutes, total time about 2,5 hours

Price CHF 190,00 | € 180,00

The cassons Ridge offers a unique panoramic view over the mountains of the Alps arena with its 2.700 metres above sea level. This rightly leaves no wish unfulfilled. You want to see the Rhein Gorge, the Martin’s hole or the Church of Fidaz from above, no problem we fly you there. This flight already offers after take off the first treat with views over the Segnesboden towards Alp Nagens. There, we expect the best thermals in the flight area. It´s common to win several hundred metres height in the warm thermals that rise from the Alp Plaun. In good visibility conditions, the view in the east extends from the Biz Buin on the Ortler, in the south on the Bernina range in the west where the first peaks of the Wallis lined up on the horizon. An indescribable experience in this way to experience the beauty of the Alps!


X-dream Fly GmbH | Dorfstrasse 14 | 8881 Tscherlach
0041 (0) 7746 22 791
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